Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

Girl Sense Photo Effects

Work with the colors, several possibilities of correcting the drawbacks of the model’s figure. We’ll learn to apply some of the program’s filters too.

Let’s begin working by creating a new file (File>New) with 768×1024 px and 72 dpi. Next select the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to make the new layer of black color.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in  Photoshop CS3

Apply for the background’s layer this option: Filter>Noise>Add Noise

Create Girl  Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

On a new layer (Create new layer) we’ll select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to mark out the necessary zone on the picture, reserved for working with it. After that we’ll apply the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to paint this zone with the next color - #301A0D

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Select for the last layer the same filter used on the black background, choosing the same parameters too:

Create  Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Now we have to find in Internet a photo of a girl, like the next one:

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop  CS3

Cit it out and insert it on our picture:

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Select the next demonstrated parameters for the girl’s layer: Blending Options>Outer Glow

Create Girl Sense  Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Next we’ll try to draw the girl’s shadow - reflection. This operation needs copying the girl’s layer and choosing Free Transform selection for turning around the copy, placing her reflection under her legs.

Create Girl Sense Photo  Effects in Photoshop CS3

Now we have to download out of Internet a several sets of ready to use brushes in Adobe Photoshop, named Floral, BRUSHES_01_02, Brushes - curls

Attention! If you see an ornament on the picture made with the brush and it is turned over, it means that this brush is applied on a separate layer and turned over with Free Transform selection.

Next create a new layer (Create new layer) and choose the Brush Tool (B) out of the set Floral. The brush’s color is white and its layer should be placed on the layers’ panel lower than the girl’s layer.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Make a mouse click on the last layer on Add a Mask option that may be found on the lowest part of the layers’ panel. Select the Brush Tool (B) of black color and Opacity of 10% to clean out easily and attentively the brushes’ ornament.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects  in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create a new layer again and select this time the brushes out of this set: BRUSHES_01_02. Select also the white color for the brushes and situate this layer on the layers’ panel also lower than the girl’s layer.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects  in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Select the next indicated parameters for the brush’s layer: Blending mode-Soft Light

Create Girl Sense Photo  Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create one more new layer (Create new layer) where we’ll use the brush out of the earlier mentioned set: (BRUSHES_01_02) But this time we must select this color for the brush #747474. This layer should be positioned the same way the previous are.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Vivid Light

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Now it’s time to create one more new layer for using on it the sampled Brushes – curls of white color. The new layer should be placed the same way with the rest of the layers – lower than the girl’s layer (on the layers’ panel).

Create Girl  Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Make a mouse click on the same layer on Add a Mask option that may be found as you already know on the lowest part of the layers’ panel. Choose quickly the Brush Tool (B) of black color and Opacity of 10% to clean out smoothly the brushes’ ornaments.

Create Girl  Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create another new layer (Create new layer) for applying on it the Brushes – curls of white color, placing the new layer lower than the girl’s layer on the layers’ panel.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Soft Light

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

On the next new layer we’ll apply the brushes out of the same set used earlier. Their color is white too. The new layer should be positioned the same way as the previous layers were placed out.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Fill 30%

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

On the next stage we have to draw a kind of light around the girl. Create a new layer for this operation and apply on it the Brush Tool (B) of white color and Opacity of 10%. It’s necessary to situate this layer on the layers’ panel lower than the girl’s layer too.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects  in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Next create another new layer (Create new layer) and use again the Brushes – curls.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

the color of the brush is #6F3C27

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

the color of the brush is #97BD58

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Girl Sense Photo Effects

February 18th, 2008 by ART-D Posted in Adobe Photoshop, Photo Editing

the color of the brush is #0A224A

Create  Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Select these parameters from below for the last made layer: Blending mode-Hue

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in  Photoshop CS3

Create once again a new layer (Create new layer) where we have to use the Brush Tool (B) and Opacity of 10% with the colors used before for the previous brushes to give more volume to the luminescence around the girl.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Fill 50%
Blending mode-Hard Light

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in  Photoshop CS3

On the next new layer we’ll select again the brushes out of the set BRUSHES_01_02

Create Girl Sense  Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

the brush’s color: #F6B36F

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

the brush’s color: #781A01

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Soft Light

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3


X-MEN movie poster

In this tutorial I am going to show you some cool tricks to get some awesome custom wallpaper or movie poster. First we need to find our subject, I chose X-MEN movie.

Final Image Preview

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Start working by creating a new file (File>New) of 1600×1200px/72dpi. Then select the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to give black color to background layer.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Next try to find a picture with X-Men characters on it. I used this wallpaper:

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Cut out the main characters on the front plan, introducing them on our basic picture.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a new layer then and choose a standard brush to give some nuance to our picture. The brush has #10F6FF color (Opacity 35%). This layer needs to be placed lower than the characters’ layer on the layers’ panel:

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create another new layer and continue here representing the background, applying the same brush mentioned above. This layer will be placed lower than the characters’ layer on the layers’ panel.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

On the next new layer (Create new layer) we’ll apply a standard brush of white color to draw many dots of different sizes and different opacity. This layer will be placed lower than the layer containing the characters.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

On the next new layer choose the standard brush and white color (Opacity of 30%) to represent a kind of luminescence around the X-Men characters. This layer will be situated lower than the layer containing the same characters.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a new layer and choose this time the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M) to mark out the next demonstrated zone. This layer will be placed lower than the characters’ layer.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

The marked zone should be filled with the color #81F4FF.
The layer’s parameters: Opacity 60%.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Make a mouse click on the same layer on Add a Mask selection on the bottom part of the layers’ panel and select later the standard brush of black color (Opacity of 15%) to clean out the painted zone.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Make two copies of the last made layer and choose Free Transform option for changing the copies’ sizes, placing them the way it is demonstrated below (lower than the layer containing the X-Men characters)

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Next we’ll represent a kind of circle, applying the Ellipse Tool (U) which layer should be situated lower than the layer with the characters.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Set the next shown parameters for the last made layer by clicking on this layer on the layers’ panel: Fill 0%, Blending Options>Stroke

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Make a copy of this last made layer and select Free Transform option to place the copy the same way indicated below.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a new layer and choose here the standard brush of white color (Opacity of 70%) to represent a spot of light.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4Choose on the same layer the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to mark out a half of the same spot and press Delete button.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Choose next step the Free Transform option for the layer with cut spot and press the spot on its horizontal position, stretching it by the vertical position.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Turn it over and place it the same way as below. This layer should be placed lower than the layer containing the X-Men characters:

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Set the next indicated parameters for the last made layer: Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Gradient’s parameters:

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Try to draw the same way several more rays, placing them the way demonstrated next picture. The layers don’t need the effects.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Now we’ll hide several parts of the poster on the bottom part of the picture. In this case we’ll select the Rectangle Tool (U).

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

The layer’s parameters: Fill 0%, Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Gradient’s parameters:

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Make a click on the bottom part of the layers’ panel on the selection from here: Create new fill or adjustment layer>Brightness/Contrast

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Take the usual standard brush mentioned above and try to paint the right lowest picture’s corner, choosing the #004F52 color.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Now represent a pattern by creating a new file of 6×6px/72dpi. Use here the Pencil Tool (B) (brush 1 px) of black color. The background is absent.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Edit>Define Pattern
Create one more new file of 640×480px/72dpi which background should be removed. Select then Edit>Fill (the earlier saved pattern). Move this file on our picture. Select Free Transform and press SHIFT button to stretch out the texture on the whole picture.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Make mouse click on the same layer on Add a Mask selection from the bottom part of the layers’ panel and select a standard brush of black color to clean out the whole zone, except the right lowest corner.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Next we’ll represent several rays the same way we did earlier. Create a new layer where we’ll apply the standard brush. Firstly we need to draw a spot of a big diameter, colored with #728359.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Reducing the brush’s diameter, insert a highlight of white color on the central part.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4Apply the same method we did with the spot cutting.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Using the Free Transform option, press horizontally and stretch out by vertical side the element. Place it the same way demonstrated below:

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Using the same method and a brush of white color, try to make several more rays.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

We’ll represent two more rays, one of them processed with a blue brush. The other one should be of yellow color with a big white inside highlight. The blue ray should be placed on the right side and the yellow one turned over and situated close to the earlier made one.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Make two copies of the white ray. Select after that the Free Transform option to enlarge the size, placing one copy as below:

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Turn around one more copy and place it near the earlier placed ray. Choose then the layer’s option Lock Transparent Pixel and a standard brush (Opacity of 40%) to paint the ray with the next colors – dark-blue, green and orange ones as it is pictured below:

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Insert the text we need to have on the picture now:

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Make a copy of the layer having the text on it. Make a right click on the Convert to Shape option, on the layer situated lower. Get back to the top text’s layer and choose for it the next demonstrated parameters: Blending Options>Inner Glow

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Gradient’s parameters:

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Continue with the changed text’s layer situated lower. Select here the Convert Point Tool to stretch out the tops in a way for the layer to come out lower than the top text’s layer:

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a new layer above the converted text’s layer. Here we’ll need the standard brush of gray color to represent several shadows that will be useful for creating the impression of volume.

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Press Alt button while clicking between the converted text’s layer and the brush’s layer (on the layers’ panel).

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Make a copy of the layer containing the brushes; press Alt button and click between the layers, applying on this copy - layer the parameter from here - Blending mode-Vivid Light

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create X-MEN movie poster in Adobe Photoshop CS4

The final result!

View full size here.